Vertical Dance Kate Lawrence
Lisa has performed and taught workshops for Vertical Dance Kate Lawrence since 2012.
Lisa has toured with the company, performing and teaching in Europe, Canada, Bali, Greenland and Japan.
Lisa also teaches the “Young Fliers” and “Adult Fliers” community vertical dance classes at Venue Cymru, Llandudno and “Lunch on the Fly” community and professional development classes at Pontio, Bangor.
VDKL in Japan
In 2023, Lisa accompanied VDKL to teach indoor and outdoor workshops for Kansai Aerial School, Kyoto, Japan, including some professional development days at a bamboo forest and a tall building in Kobe. With funding support from Wales Arts International, The Great British Sasakawa Foundation and Conwy Excellence Award.
Cultural Cwtsh
In 2023, Lisa directed 3 short films for VDKL for a commission from Cultural Cwtsh. These films were created to provide relaxation and joy for NHS staff and Care workers.
For more information visit
Hanging Around
Leafing Through
Parti Pier
In 2022, VDKL collaborated with The Family Dance Project to devise and perform ‘Parti Pier’ on and under the Colwyn Victoria Pier with funding from “Transforming Towns”
Please visit for more information on the company.