Together with Rob Spaull/Mediapod, I have collaborated on a series of Dance Films.
Filmed in a deserted tunnel in North Wales, Unseen explores the desire to break out of the confinement imposed from society and the modern world.
‘The Inside Other’
The Inside Other is about the psychological discovery of another self and the battle to find balance.
The contrast between external and internal, light and dark, calmness and aggression all symbolise the duality of human existence. The world outside and the world within.
‘The Other Side’
The piece is filmed at an old walled church yard with an outdoor baptism pool in North Wales.
On one of the gravestones is a quote from Kahlil Gibram “And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance.” The quote and the natural beauty of the environment around it were the stimulus for this piece.
Filming Method
The films have been created within a set of boundaries.
We allow only half a day for filming, half a day for editing and half a day for music & production.
The films must be shot on highly portable, affordable devices such as an iPhone or GoPro HeroCam.
We have created these boundaries both for productivity and as an exercise in detaching ourselves from the pursuit of the ‘perfect’ dance film. We both believe that the inspiration and early movement material is highly valid in both it’s rawness and honesty as an art-form.
Lisa’s skills in improvisation and Rob’s exploratory approach to camera work and speed of editing have allowed these films to not just be completed within their 48 hour windows, but to stand as exciting and original pieces of film regardless.
We are both very interested in this approach to filmmaking and feel it is a valuable technique to develop many aspects of dance film creation in both our own careers and as a vehicle for others to explore.